Thursday 20 June 2013

Break the Bridal Mould this Summer 2013

This summer is about to see a rainbow explosion as wedding colour trends reach out in all different directions. If you’re getting married this summer and your still not sold on the classic all white affair then take a look at these colours for a little prenuptial inspiration. We want to introduce you to the top picks of this summer’s most lusted after wedding colours:

Poppy Red
Poppy red is a daring colour with a summer twist. It’s far softer than the winter cranberry coloured red shades from late year and has become a summertime favourite already this summer. This bold hue works great as a pop of colour against an otherwise traditional white wedding.

Lemon yellow is for the bright and bubbly bride. Softer lemon hues are a must have this summer and are particularly popular for bridesmaid dresses. Lemon is not just taking on the colour trend but also the wedding catering: lemon chicken, lemon cake, lemon cocktails are all coveted choices. Here’s hoping the weather is as sunny as this colour theme!

Mint is a beautifully soft colour that brings a dreamy and romantic aspect to any wedding. It compliments white perfectly and is so popular you can buy just about anything in this colour. From invites to tablecloths, bridesmaid to bouquets, mint has definitely populated this wedding season’s must haves.

Violet is a much darker colour than the other summer shades but remains just as popular among 2013 brides. It’s perfectly suited for a more feminine wedding and a makes a great colour choice for wedding flowers.

Here at esc weddings we are able to cater to any style of wedding you would like. Feel free to get in touch with us anytime to talk about wedding requirements; we would love to help you make your big day perfect.

Friday 7 June 2013

Baffled about your Baby Shower?

With the arrival of the Royal Baby imminent, we’ve got baby fever in the Canvas Office and we’ve been wondering exactly what a Royal Baby Shower would look like, perhaps something like this:

Photo courtesy of

As usual, Allison Jackson has done an amazing job of creating an incredibly realistic portrayal of the Duchess of Cambridge’s Baby Shower, and we absolutely loved her video:

All of this got us thinking, what makes a great baby shower?

There are certainly a lot of elements to consider, so it might be handy to have a sister/best friend close to hand to help with all the details as, most likely, you will be beginning to get fed up by the time it comes around to your shower and your patience to deal with things like dietary requirements will have abandoned you a long time ago.

When should you have your Shower?
It isn’t un-common for women to work right up until the last couple of weeks before the bundle of joy arrives and whilst it is a nice idea to celebrate the beginning of your maternity leave with a party, you could potentially go in to labour at any point and there will still be so many things you want to do with your free time (enjoying long lazy baths, watching a film from start to finish and painting your nails to name a couple of the vitals).
Photo courtesy of

With that in mind, around 35 weeks seems to be the optimum time to set your date. At this stage you shouldn’t feel totally uncomfortable and there is still plenty of time after the Shower to go out and buy the things that you need and didn’t receive as a gift.

Who should you invite?
Try not to fall into the ‘Wedding Guest List’ trap. Trusts us, the woman acting as your maternity cover or your cousins new girlfriend will not be offended if they aren’t invited! Keep it to your closest family and friends who are going to be there for you when the baby is born so you can share your excitement with them. There is no reason you have to stick to the female only policy, but if you do decide to invite Dad-to-be and a couple of his family/friends then try to remember to have a few cold beers in the fridge to get them through the fluffy toys, tears and cupcakes that are unavoidable at a Baby Shower!

Remember, higher numbers of guests will effect the number and type of games you can play, and catering the event becomes more of a consideration once you invite more than 20 guests.

Pick a Theme
It can be nice to tie in your chosen Nursery Theme: Pooh Bear, Animals, traditional blue or pink, Disney etc.  This can then link in with elements such as table decorations/invitations/cake decorations and also makes it easy for your guests to choose your pressie.
Photo courtesy of
However, that is if you want one at all. Themes require a lot of pre-planning many Showers are non-themed and are just as special.

Our best advice would be to keep it simple! If you aim for a time of around 3pm, you can easily get away with something as simple as cream tea and cakes. Lots of delicious scones, fresh cream, jam, cute cupcakes and Victoria sponge is more than enough to keep 20 or so friends and family happy for a couple of hours.
Photo courtesy of
If you are worried about people getting hungry, put a selection of sandwiches out. Remember everyone is there to see and celebrate with you, and are not expecting a gourmet meal.

Make a nice fruit punch for everyone to sip on, and perhaps put a bottle of vodka on the table for anyone who wants to ‘liven’ theirs up but remind them this is not a Saturday night in your local and it will be no fun for you to watch everyone get slowly drunk whilst you remain sober.

Games and Activities
Some people may think that games are a cliché, but they are a good way to get people interacting with each other and help everyone relax.

Hopefully your afore-mentioned best friend/sister has already organised something for you but there are a couple of ideas that we particularly like to keep you all entertained:

1)      Name the Famous Baby: Print off pictures of celebrity babies, and the celebrities. Give each guest both batches and get them to match up as many as they can. If you prefer, put them into groups so it gets people chatting and laughing. The most matches wins! Simple!

2)      Who’s that Baby?: Use the same principal as above, but this time with your guests as the babies! Ask each of your guests for a baby picture in advance of the Shower, and get each person/team to match the baby to the guest.

3)      Set up a Mini Spa: Depending how close your Guests are to each other, this is a fun way to do something girly without the pressure of having to organise games. Set up a little station with nail varnishes/face packs/hair treatments and give each other mini treatments! Understandably this is something not everyone will feel comfortable doing so make sure you ask in advance instead of springing it on your guests as they arrive!
Photo courtesy of

But Most Importantly!
Your only job is to keep Mum and Baby happy and healthy! If the thought of organising a shower leaves you cold, send a text/Facebook message around your nearest and dearest with a time and date to meet at your favourite restaurant and just enjoy.

Monday 22 April 2013

ESC Weddings @ 45 Millbank

ESC Weddings is delighted to announce the launch of a range of brand new Wedding Packages at the exquisite Wedding venue 45 Millbank in Westminster, London.

Located just steps from Tate Britain with sweeping views across the River Thames; 45 Millbank is a beautiful and historic event location, blending Edwardian classic with Chelsea’s eclectic modern twist. The restored Edwardian interior provides visitors with a stunning and memorable Grade II listed backdrop for events in the heart of iconic Westminster.
Outside 45 Millbank

As one of their preferred suppliers, the team at ESC Weddings has been working in close partnership with the venue to design and create a selection of packages to outline the various levels of support available to couples who have chosen this Edwardian venue for their special day. The team at ESC Weddings believe that every Wedding should epitomise a couple’s character, cultural background, value, heritage and passions; and our role is to deliver a Wedding day bespoke to a couples individual needs.
Eleanor Bradfield, Wedding Planner (left) and Clare Wickens, Director (right)
Whether it’s a traditional ‘Classic’ Wedding you dream of, or a smaller ‘Intimate’ gathering to celebrate with a select few of your closest friends and family, our hand-crafted packages range from simple, elegant affairs to luxurious celebrations and all the trimmings which include:

·         The Classic Package
·         The Grace Package
·         The Majestic Package
·         The Quintessential Package
·         The Intimate Package
45 Millbank's Banquetting Hall set-up for a beautiful Ceremony

Clare Wickens, Director of ESC Weddings says “In our experience, many couples are under the impression that once they have chosen the venue, most of the hard work is done and are then suddenly overwhelmed with all the ‘nitty gritty’ details that need finalising before their big day.

With all the information available online, it can be hard to know who to approach and who you can rely on to support you in the run up to your Wedding. The suppliers we have used to put together the packages at 45 Millbank come from our own personal ‘Black Book’ of tried and tested industry professionals who we know will not only deliver fantastic results, but will carefully listen to what you want on your special day.

We are delighted to be working in close partnership with 45 Millbank and are looking forward to creating many special memories for couples who are lucky enough to have the beautiful venue host their Wedding Day.”
The Ornamental Garden at 45 Millbank is an idyllic location for a drinks reception on your special day

Licensed for both civil ceremonies and civil partnerships, 45 Millbank offers one of the most unforgettable wedding locations in town. Boasting three prestigious function rooms, a grand staircase, a charming secluded Garden and a beautiful courtyard entrance paved with York stone an authentic Henry Moore sculpture; 45 Millbank is one of London’s most charming event venues and the perfect setting for a romantic and stylish Wedding Day.
Henry Moore Courtyard at 45 Millbank

For more information about the Wedding Packages at 45 Millbank, or for information about ESC Weddings, please contact Eleanor Bradfield on 01252 795507 or alternatively, please contact Eleanor via email on .
Visit our websites:     

Pssst…! We’re on Facebook and Twitter too!


ESC Weddings

Monday 8 April 2013

April Showers

In 2012 the UK saw the wettest summer since records began, and almost four months into 2013 we have already seen the coldest Easter for more than 50 years; so with outdoor Weddings becoming increasingly more popular amongst us ever optimistic Brits, we thought now might be an appropriate time to start planning for when the heavens decide your perfect day isn’t going to be quite so perfect.
photo courtesy of

If you haven’t already, choose a venue that has an outdoor area and an indoor space nearby. This will automatically reduce your stress levels in the run up to the big day, most venues who host outdoor weddings will be used to having to jump ship at the last minute and will know exactly what to do.
photo courtesy of

The hardest part about implementing weather contingency plans is…DECIDING TO DO IT. Trust us, the longer you leave it to make the decision, the more stressed both you and guests will become. An hour before the ceremony, make a decision and stick to it!
If you haven’t hired a wedding planner, make sure you have assigned a bridesmaid, family member or friend to have the job of informing everybody about the new location, including the guests! It’s a good idea to have signs drawn up ahead of the day showing guests where to go if the plans have changed, these can be popped up in a matter of seconds and will eliminate about one hundred phone calls being made. Social media is another good way of getting the message out quickly, and cheaply.

If you have opted for a venue that doesn’t have a nearby indoor space and are going for a marquee option, hire another smaller marquee which you can set up with sofas and a bar area which can be used as overflow for guests who want to ‘mosey around’ rather than stay on the dance floor. And don’t worry, it won’t go to waste….plenty of your guests will be grateful for somewhere to go and ‘rest their eyes’ towards the latter part of the evening, or maybe even earlier for senior members of the family.
A fun way of making light of the situation is to hire in umbrellas in your theme colour, or in lots of different colours. This will not only make the photos a little less drab but will also make sure your special day still looks pretty and like it was part of the big plan.
photo courtesy of

Fans of tea lights need not worry, battery operated tea lights give exactly the same effect and you don’t need to worry about them blowing out or, even worse, burning something. If you can, stretch your budget to incorporate some lighting production costs as this will go a long way to brightening up any grey skies.
Heaters are a must. Whether it is thirty or thirteen degrees, this is the UK and, unfortunately, by 8pm your guests will inevitably be shivering, especially the smokers amongst the group. Scatter them around both inside and outside the marquee and it will help avoid draining out a particular area of the party.

Of course you will not need any of these plans as it IS NOT going to rain on your day, but just in case, we hope these little hints helped. Good luck!

Friday 4 January 2013

Will you marry me…?

So, hands up who got engaged over Christmas?!

Carrie Underwood showing off her engagement ring

Christmas is a very popular time for proposals. Men welcome the opportunity to conceal their intentions in a well-chosen gift, containing that surprise engagement ring. Or the romance of log fires, cosying up with your loved ones and spending time off work together inspires them to pop the all important question, ready for a fresh and exciting start to the New Year.
So, once you have got over the initial shock of the proposal, no doubt your brain is swimming with ideas and questions for planning your big day. The biggest one being where to start! Here are some questions to ask yourself and help kick-start the planning:
WHERE do you want to get married?
Do you have a specific venue you have always dreamed of? Or are you keen to be married close to home, or abroad? Start looking at venues now as they can get booked up 1 or even 2 years in advance. This should be your priority in the early days as many other factors will depend on your location and venue size i.e. hiring local suppliers and number of guests you can invite.
If you have the space, you can also look at holding your celebrations in a marquee which can give you a lot more flexibility with dates, size and timings.
esc weddings marquee
WHEN do you want to get married?
Are you a summer girl who has always dreamed of a strapless, slashed leg wedding gown and an outdoor ceremony (with a British wet-weather contingency plan? – sorry!)
Or does an indoor occasion with roaring fires and winter-themed decorations appeal to you.
Bear in mind that marrying out of season (Oct – April) or mid-week can bring some fantastic savings as venues and suppliers have more free time and are willing to drop their prices to secure your business.

HOW do you want your day to look?
Do you have a favourite colour or style you want to focus your wedding around? This gives you something to build around and all your suppliers, decorations and attire to work towards.
Vintage lace theme
  Rustic wedding

WHO do you want at your day?
Will you have bridesmaids? Adults or children, or both? Choose your bridal party wisely. You want a reliable team who you can trust and who will help you, not push their ideas on you or let you down.
Once you know how many guests your venue allows it is time to put together your guest list. You will likely have a set number allowed for the ceremony and wedding breakfast, then another group you can invite for the evening. Check and double check your list with you partner and both sets of parents as you don’t want to leave anyone out. Equally, remember this is YOUR day and if you don’t want to invite certain people, you don’t have to! If you feel you still have to, just invite them to the evening as this will cost you less
Gorgeous Bridal party from
Work out your budget and how you will pay for the day. Will your parents contribute? Or do you plan to save up and pay yourself? What can you afford? You may be surprised at the cost of everything once you get started so try not to expect too much for your money or you could be disappointed. You don’t want to end up in debt, not a good start to married life. Sometimes, small, intimate weddings can be more meaningful and heartfelt than the larger, extravagant affairs. Also look at DIY ideas and pulling in favours from talented friends and family to save money. Generally people will be all too pleased and willing to help contribute to your big day.
You are planning the happiest and most important day of your life. Make sure you enjoy the process as (hopefully) this will be the only time you do it! If organising is not your thing and you find the whole task daunting, enlist the help of a wedding planner. The time and stress that you will save will easily out weight the extra cost. And with planners having the best contacts and ideas in the industry, you will very likely end up saving money in the long run and they can secure discounts and eliminate money and time wastage. This may sound biased but it is true! 

Wednesday 7 November 2012

#W.I.N.E 2012

Here at Esc Weddings we were delighted to receive this fantastic video montage of our Wedding industry Networking Evening #W.I.N.E by the amazing wedding videographers From the Hip

From the Hip produce timeless, contemporary wedding films with a creative edge - discretely captured, beautifully edited. They managed to capture the electric atmosphere created by a room full of inspiring wedding professionals. We expect all wedding suppliers will know at least one person in this film:

Friday 2 November 2012

Featured Suppliers

Fun Wedding Photos
 provides a fun, fancy dress photo shoot at weddings and events in the south of England. They bring a full mobile studio, photographer and hundreds of fun fancy dress props. They have recently added a green screen backdrop and the latest software, so that they can superimpose the guests into one of many exotic, exciting or special locations, to produce hilarious and visually stunning pictures of wedding guests having fun. Props and back drops can be tailored to match any event theme.

Their clients hire them because Fun Wedding Photos is great entertainment for guests and the results are hilarious images which provide great mementoes. Many couples have found that this is a great filler between day time and evening celebrations. Their "Memories package" add on provides a guest book filled with pictures of your guests matched up with their individual messages - a wonderful memory of the people, including those who will not have been in the formal pictures, that shared your special day.
Matt Young has been operating Fun wedding photos since 2010. As a photographer, and having seen photo booths, he believed he could provide a superior experience for guests. Instead of a few people being cramped into a small photo booth, they have a photography area that can accommodate up to 15 people at a time. Instead of small square basic photos, Fun Wedding Photos produces pictures of a quality that can be printed up to A3 size and provide hundreds of high quality props. The business has grown with many guests loving the Fun Wedding Photos experience so much that they lead to further bookings.