Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Esc Weddings team up with Weddings in Surrey & Warren House to host Surrey Wedding Suppliers Networking Event

Weddings in Surrey, Esc Weddings and Warren House are hosting a networking evening for Surrey Wedding suppliers.  The event will bring together Surrey's wedding experts and give you the opportunity to network, exchange information and ideas, whilst enjoying drinks and canapes, in the luxurious surroundings of Warren House, a beautiful Victorian Mansion house in the heart of Kingston upon Thames.

The date
Thursday 3rd February 2011 

The details
  • Your opportunity to meet Tweetmates, new contacts, & make friends
  • A talk from a social media expert will feature at 19:30 hours
  • Tour this beautiful 18th century mansion house
  • Enjoy the hospitality of Warren House's drinks and canapes
  • A bottle of bubbly prize draw
The location
  • Warren House, Warren Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7HY
 If you are in the wedding entertainment industry and would like to showcase your services please contact sian@esc-weddings.co.uk with your details.

To register your attendance please RSVP before January 31st 2011