Thursday 22 April 2010

Esc Weddings Top Tips from recent magazine interview

1. What qualities should couples look for in a wedding planner?
First and foremost you should like your chosen wedding planner!! You are entrusting them with running the biggest day of your life!!!
A wedding planner needs to be well organised, able to juggle a lot of tasks and have a meticulous eye for detail.

Always ask for references from their previous clients. Good Wedding Planners have happy past clients and they will be happy for you to talk to them.

2. What are the main issues you cover when helping couples pick their wedding venue?

The most important factors in choosing a venue are location and availability. A couple will have an idea of the time and area in which they wish to get married which limits the huge choice of venues in the UK (and abroad). A wedding planner will have expert knowledge of venues in their area and nationally which speeds up this time-consuming task.

Try not to pin all your hopes on a certain venue and date, you will need to have a 2nd and possibly 3rd choice of venue, or be prepared to change the date. Holding your wedding on a week day may mean you have more chance of booking the time of year you want, and can be cheaper. However, consider your guests who will need to take a day off work to attend….

3. Do most couples like to have a wedding theme nowadays? How do you help them pick a theme to suit them?

A wedding should be personal to the couple which often means there is a perfect theme for them, without them even knowing it. When meeting couples I ask them lots of leading questions to determine their likes, dislikes and personal style and can from there suggest many suitable themes, be it unusual or subtle. A theme does not have to be wild or extravagant and can be as simple as a colour used in a few areas, or perhaps related to a hobby the couple share.

4. On the day itself, how does a wedding planner help with making sure the day runs smoothly?

The wedding planner removes all the stress from the couple and their families, leaving them able to relax and enjoy the special day.

All suppliers still need to arrive; deliver or set up and the planner will oversee this, while dealing with any issues as they arise.

The planner will have set the timeline for the day so will know who should be where - particularly the wedding party who can find the day stressful and confusing – and will direct and reassure them

The planner will be able to spot any incorrect, missing or unfinished elements and rectify them before the wedding party and guests are aware.

The Wedding Planner’s experience with dealing with suppliers, often ones that they have worked with before means they are able to lend a hand when needed. They also make sure all suppliers are looked after for the day, as they often have to work long hours and their basic needs can be neglected by couples un-experienced in managing events.

These are just guideline questions, so feel free to add anything you like. Also Sian, would it be possible to get your top three tips for brides?

1. Remember it is YOUR day and you can not and will not please everyone – especially where families are involved. You do not have to invite everyone, follow the same wedding format as everyone else, and you can wear whatever you want! Add personal touches to the day. Your guests are there as they think you are wonderful and want to share in this day that is all about you

2. Give yourself as much lead time as possible and never underestimate the amount of hours that go into planning a wedding. Most brides LOVE the lead up to their wedding and enjoy all the organizing, meetings and selections. You do not want to spoil this special time by being stressed and rushed – you may also end up making rash decisions that you regret afterwards and would have done differently had you had more time. Sit down and plan what you want to achieve at your wedding before you start making bookings. You are then more likely to be able to stay within your budget and you have the time to shop around.

3. Pick your suppliers wisely and make sure you have references or some sort of guarantee that they are going to deliver the service you expect. Make sure you have everything in writing then confirm by phone a week before the big day.

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