Monday 21 February 2011

Keeping it local - the benefits of using local wedding suppliers

Holding a wedding that is personal to the happy couple rates highly on the wish list of many brides. So if you are sticking to your home town for the ceremony and venue, keeping suppliers local will add to the communal, personal feel as well as being able to save you time, money and the environment.

‘Green’ weddings are trending in 2011. Keeping your carbon footprint down is an important factor in this, so reducing the amount of petrol used in bringing your day together results in a greener wedding. Rather than having to travel by plane, train or automobile, local suppliers can offer products that just need to be driven a short way down the road, or in some cases walked to your door!
Unfortunately this is not always possible and many flowers will have to be shipped in from abroad, though if they are shipped to your local florist at least there is not the added task of driving them across the country.

When thinking about finding a fabulous local wedding florist Emma Lappin from Emma Lappin Flowers tells us there are numerous advantages. The first is venue knowledge and as an experienced wedding florist Emma likes to be able to advise on what works best in terms of decoration in the particular venue. She can then provide the bride with plenty of inspiration and ideas from previous events from her portfolio.
She also feels it is an advantage to be able to meet the bride at the venue, allowing her to focus on the flow of the day and where decorations are required. She can then see where arrangements can be re-used and make sure the colour schemes and table styling are going to work with the surroundings. This meeting is also likely to be more flexible and work around the bride’s schedule, as often it can be after work and if it is a local venue it’s easier to make the appointment.

Emma also points out that by choosing a local wedding florist the happy couple can look to the future long after the wedding has taken place. She says: “there is nothing more romantic than receiving a phone call from a previous client who wants to reproduce a special arrangement from their wedding day for their wife on their anniversary or Valentines Day. It is lovely to have contact with my previous brides and be able to be part of their next special event which is often the celebration of their children.”

An example of Emma's flowers

Another benefit in keeping suppliers local is that many wedding suppliers are small or even one-man-bands. Taking the time to source and use these companies (or asking your planner to do so) means they can keep their head above water and keep their business running. We all hate to see our local grocers, butchers and pubs close down while supermarkets and chain businesses thrive, so the same should go for wedding companies.
They are also competitive and realise that if they give you a superb service at a reasonable price, you are likely to recommend them to your friends.

Magician Ian Gray, aka ‘Magic Ian’ says that it’s good to be able to meet the supplier face-to-face before the event and build up a relationship in order to get the best from them. Ian says from his perspective, using a local magician like himself is a way of ensuring that you get exactly what you want for the event. He will go through what the bride wants with her and try to customise his magic to the particular occasion, making sure everyone feels part of it with his warm sense of humour. Take a look at Magic Ian in action:

Having the people in charge of the different aspects of your wedding nearby means it is easier to meet at the drop of a hat. Do you find yourself waking up in the night worrying about your centrepieces, choice of readings or cake toppers? The only way to put you’re your mind at rest may be a face-to-face visit with your supplier first thing in the morning which, is much easier when they are just down the road than on the other side of the country! Also as local suppliers have a knowledge of the area, they wont have the problem of getting lost looking for your venue and are likely to know short cuts or alternate routes so they can avoid roads such as the M25 if necessary, therefore by-passing any traffic jams. They will not have the added worry of transporting delicate items, (think My Big Fat Gypsy wedding when transporting the fairytale castle cake! – could have been a disaster!), which may fall over or get knocked during a long journey.

Janet from Janet Mohapi-Banks Sculptural Cake Design in Epsom agrees and believes it is usually in the best interests of the client for their cake to be made by a local supplier. One obvious advantage is that delivery and set-up costs will be greatly reduced compared to a supplier who has to travel several miles. Janet is the perfect example of this as she does not charge for delivery or set-up within a 20 mile radius of Epsom.
Here are some of Janet's amazing cakes:

 Heart on a string cake (photo by Janet Mohapi-Banks)
Rose Wedding Cake (photo by Janet Mohapi-Banks)
Falling blossom cake (photo by Janet Mohapi-Banks)

Supporting your local farmers by using fresh local produce is another way of keeping it local and also a popular option for foodies and good caterers. Speak to your caterer about where your meat and vegetables come from, and feel free to insist on this or change caterers if you do not feel they are matching your needs.

However, if you have your heart set on tropical flowers, cheeses from Scotland or private jets and helicopters to bring your guests to the reception in style, then this is your call as it is your wedding and must be perfect to fit your dreams. Maybe just look at where you can offset your carbon footprint in other areas, or plant some trees after the wedding; a great way to help the environment as well as a life long memento of your fabulous day.

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